Rabilargo`s Eloy was born the 24. th of june 2014 in Trondheim, Norway. His breeders are Marit Stene and Sven Erik Bjørnewall, Kennel Rabilargo.

Rabilargo`s Eloy has achieved following results:


He is hearttested with fine results.

He is Genotested and the results was:

Variant B-locus: bd, bc, bs, b4, : Genotype B/B

Variant D-Locus (D1) Dilution: Genotype D/D

Rabilargo`s Eloy
Gelchenkirchen GalgoJahresausstellung 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Gelchenkirchen GalgoJahresausstellung 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy 
Gelchenkirchen Galgo Jahresausstellung 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Gelchenkirchen Galgo Jahresausstellung 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy BOB Donaueschingen 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy BOB Donaueschingen 2019
LABOKLin 22.12.2019
LABOKLin 22.12.2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy spring 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy spring 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Galgojahresausstellung 2019 in Gelchenkirschen Germany
Rabilargo`s Eloy Galgojahresausstellung 2019 in Gelchenkirschen Germany
Rabilargo`s Eloy Lure Corsing Roskilde Spring 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Lure Corsing Roskilde Spring 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Gelsenkirchen spring 2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Gelsenkirchen spring 2019
Ronostrand Netherlands 19.10.2019
Ronostrand Netherlands 19.10.2019
Rabilargo`s Eloy Ronostrand Netherlands 19.10.2019 International Herstcoursing
Rabilargo`s Eloy Ronostrand Netherlands 19.10.2019 International Herstcoursing
Eloy at the International Polish Lure Coursing Championship in Swornegacie Poland.
He was placed 5th.
Eloy at the International Polish Lure Coursing Championship in Swornegacie Poland. He was placed 5th.
Swornegacie Poland 30.08.2020
Swornegacie Poland 30.08.2020
Snow Coursing Stubaital, Austria January 2020
Snow Coursing Stubaital, Austria January 2020
Subaital, Astria January 2020
Subaital, Astria January 2020
Stubaital, Austria January 2020.
He was placed 4.th at the Snow Coursing
Stubaital, Austria January 2020. He was placed 4.th at the Snow Coursing
European Championship in Lure Coursing 2021 at Ronostrand Netherlands.
He won the European Championship 2021.
European Championship in Lure Coursing 2021 at Ronostrand Netherlands. He won the European Championship 2021.